TERMS is a full feature-rich MIS product, that is professional, powerful and proven.

Using an adaptable data platform, this product is one system for many solutions. This is due to it being uniquely intuitive, adaptable and fully featured.

To quote one customer - "An excellent product with excellent support".

Courses System


Central to most activities, TERMS Evolution provides a comprehensive Course system that will manage all forms of provision as well as providing analysis, accounting and resource features.

apprenticeships Icon


Personal education planning and tracking is an important aspect within the modern sector and TERMS comes with a full suite of features to capture a Learner’s education through Apprenticeships, Traineeships and Trailblazers.

Staff Tracking


The tracking of staff is important to many organisations and TERMS provides a complete system regardless of the type of staff employed or utilised.



TERMS comes with a comprehensive finance module. The system allows for the complete analysis of finance internally with the option to exchange data with external corporate finance systems.



Full tracking of Learner details is standard within TERMS Evolution. In addition the system will maintain current and historic details of all Learner activity, providing for reporting and trend analysis.



A full enrolment system is core to TERMS. This provides all of the tracking and monitoring of enrolments from learners and courses, through finance and into funding, statistics, reporting and analysis.

Online Enrolment

Online Enrolments

Learners with web accounts can enrol onto new courses and check course, enrolment and payment details.

Online Registration

Online Registers

Allow Tutors to have access their registers online and they can record attendance and see class details.


Supporting all of the data capture and analysis features of TERMS is a CRMS module that turns the system into a complete Customer Relationship Management System.

ILR and Funding

ILR and Funding

Providing one of the most accurate and powerful Funding Modules available, TERMS comes with a large suite of Funding Tools and Features and supporting analysis.

Exams Qualifications

Exams and Qualifications

With a full examination and qualification suite you can power your examinations and results directly through TERMS.


Employer Responsive activities require that Employers and Employees are tracked for administration, management and audit. TERMS provides a large number of features to provide this tracking.


It is important to audit track information and TERMS provides several primary routes that cover finance, funding and individual users. Together these allow for detailed audit analysis.

Reporting and Analysis

TERMS comes with a complete data analysis system that allows users to manipulate information stored within the system and generate their own designs and specifications for data analysis.


It is essential to protect sensitive data and information with powerful security and TERMS provides advanced options and features. The system provides both enforced and System Administration security control.


The Facilities module allows for the complete tracking of resources that may be reserved over a period or need to be tracked via formal bookings. The module allows for both internal and external Facilities.