ILR and Funding

TERMS Cloud Hosted Solution

TERMS Locally Hosted Solution

This module is where ILR funding information can be generated, imported from external sources, merged with other ILR's, exported for other software such as Goldmine, Pro-Achieve or the ESFA's FIS, etc. Management information and analysis can be accessed through dashboards that focused on key types of information; The Study Dashboard concentrates on the organisation's provision where live funding and non-funding related data lives; the Planning Dashboard allows potential funding and income to be tracked and compared to actual amounts received and planned targets; the Survey Dashboard allows individual ILR surveys to produce comprehensive statistical breakdowns on gender, ethnic origin, deprivation based on IMD, etc. as well as administrative geography such as wards or districts.

ILR's do not need to be only for funding as they are a useful source of general statistical information on the organisation's provision, for example an ILR can be generated for a single curriculum area or type of learner. Offering one of the most in depth and competitive funding modules available, TERMS will power your complete funding requirements whilst retaining historic information for reference and analysis. Statistics, analysis and reporting can be performed on any funding data or available combination.

  • ESFA funding production, including historical recording and “future date” pre-production, plus imports, merging and de-duplication
  • Analysis beyond the normal funding requirements, down to course and enrolment levels, including statistical production for internal management
  • Full breakdown of funding values and validation allowing for analysis of funding at any level, for example, learner, course, enrolment, SSA, ethnicity, postcode, venue
  • Production of inspection, audit and national reports, data and analysis, Success Rates, ALI, SAR's, and more


ILR Funding Representation

  • Complete history of funding builds and returns
  • Audit down to enrolment and course level
  • Internal monitoring and analysis features
  • Merging and de-duplication features
  • MLP and Profiling
  • Direct data modification